Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Return to the Quest for Diamond

Back for more introspection on learning Starcraft 2.

Its been 5 months since my last update.  For some reason I kept playing, but did not feel the need to write about it.  Truth be told, I write and analyse for a living, so it shouldn't be shocking that I lost my taste for chronicling my struggles against the masses of the internet.

The world shifted in the five months I was not writing.  Protoss became the weakest race.  Zerg gained the power of the infestor and learn a few zerglings before mass drones can scare off an opponent.  Terrans, well Terran regressed into one base all ins, knowing that it is almost impossible for them to be broken on one base.  They also discovered the Ghost, which they had all along.  Its power was untested and so we are feeling the pain of figuring out this unit.  I can tell you one thing, templar look more and more like the most unimpressive caster in the game.

As for me, I hover around high platinum most of my days.  I am faster and I'm getting better with my control groups.  The main issue is adding units once I warp them in.  For those of you who don't play, a control group is a bunch of units you have set to one key.  When you press it, you commend them.  The issue is that you need to add units to the group as you make them.  And make them you will.  For me, its every 38-45 seconds I try to add more units on to my army.  I warp them in, select them, tell them where to go and add them to the control group.  All in under 4 seconds.  Warp, commend, add, do something else, warp command, add.

Its rough but I am almost to the point where I barely think about it.  But not quite.  It is helping.  I spend less time arguing with my units, miss selecting them.  I also have more time to scout, build eextra buildings, transfer probes.  Getting one thing down leaves room for me to get faster at doing something else.

I also listen to different must.  House, techno, remixes.  Anything with a solid beat that moves.  This seems to help a lot more that I thought it would, but the steady beat seems to keep me steady as well.  I focus on building units, not worrying about what stupid shit my opponent might be doing and scouting.

But enough for today.  I've won many games and I am spent.  I'll be back though, for more scrubs and their one base ways.

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