Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 1 a.m. - UP

Get Psyked!  Its a sunny day and I don't have to work!

So I hit the ground running today.  I decided today that I was going to go builds and just stick with them.  I focused on the Stargate because it seems like the safest way to get a response out of a player with Protoss right now.

Game 1 - PvP: Was pretty one sided, though I would have been hurting if my opponent had been better at macro.  I forgot to clear out the rocks on Lost Temple and there was an awkward moment where I was looking for a place to put a third base.  Pros: Solid transition from Stargate to Robo Tech   Flaws: Trust Fund and not getting a third.

Game 2 - TvP: I totally bronzed it up on this one.  I opened stargate, but didnt get enough units to manage my ramp.  I responded reasonably and got my second base up once I saw he had teched like mad.  I even scouted well and stopped him from getting his third.  Then the logic center of my brain shut down and I basically attack-moved my army into his.  It was one of the sloppiest moments Ive had in weeks.  Replay available.  Pros: Solid second base and good scouting.  Flaws: Charge of the Light Brigade.

Game 3: - PvP:  I would like to thank the ninja probe for his service in this game.  Thank you so much for letting me know he had gone mass stalker.  I started by getting a fast 2 base against his one base and held off his first "push".  Three zealots force a cancel and then I become super smart and sack three stalkers.  I went immortals vs colossus, which worked out.   Pros: Upgrades!, Immortals and scouting, Flaws: Trust fund, poor control and supply blocked.

Thought: 2 bases should have 2 forges.  Its only an extra 150 minerals and armor upgrades are pretty awesome.

P.M.  - Soothing Tea.

Might play another few games after dinner, but I want to see a few replays of PvT.  Huk or McOGS, perhaps.

That, and I might switch to tea when I play.  There is something that is so intangible, but relaxing about it.  I just started using an infuser today and making one cup at a time is about my speed.

Off to find the replays and I'll link to them if I find some good ones.

Huk - Stargate opening vs Terran

oGsMC -  Void Ray Push

Final for the day 3W-2L.

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