Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 2 p.m. - UP

Rejoice for I have rocket legs!!!!!!

Ok, so today was going to be a bust.  Vaquish arrived in the mail.  I have a deep love for robots and a deeper love for robots that rocket at things.  There was almost no chance Starcraft could pull me from this pulsing, j-pop  madness moving at the speed of a 12 year old on X.

But Zorkdork convinced me to dive back into the pit and test my work-depleted skills against the masses of the internet.

Once again I picked my build early based on the map.  My ability to read my opponents is still so limited that I do more damage trying predict them.  I am focused simple things today.  Building placement.  Dealing will early wall ins. Scouting if they expand or are just going for a one base push.

Game 1 - PvT:  I decided to sink my teeth into the early void ray build that oGsMC has been using.  It seems to fill that role of dealing with a one base Terran early on.  It also works well with one of my most hated units, the stalker.  I scouted some hard one-basing with tanks and really felt confident once I did.  I moved in and my opponent kinda just fell apart.  He had a little of everything, stim, siege tanks, some vikings.   Pros: Commitment to the build, scouting.  Flaws: Poor control, poor macro.

Game 2 - PvP: Ok, so when I see a random player, I automatically assume I'm going to get rushed.  This game is short and a sloppy mess.  I go for the one gas, 4 gate all in madness that Steps of War demands and then totally botch a force field.  I am saved by some pretty terrible control and some sentries that should have had rich, full lives.  The game ends with me just dumping zealots into his base because I forgot about gas.  Pros: Over Quickly, reasonable response, Cons: Best forcefield ever, Probes v Zealots and Stalker cost gas.

Game 3 PvP:  This game is exactly to how not to DT rush or really play Starcraft.  I basicly didn't scout at all and just blindly hoped that my opponent was dumb enough not to get detection.  I was late getting everything and didn't really execute with the DTs very well.  Still the game must be posted.  The only way I can post only wins is if sweep the day.  Pros: Killing the right Pylon, Flaws: Poor Macro, late build.

Thoughts: I have really been interested in getting fasted expansions with Protoss.  This Day 9 Daily has some really good points in it and features oGsMC, which is always a plus.  The build is super lean and I am not sure I could do it with confidence.

Must resist robot rocket legs............

Final for the day: 2W - 3L

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