Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Patch!!!! Snow!!!! Out of tea!!!!! Day 6 in Week 2.

The patch has come and with it, the tears of the internet.  And drones where plucked into the sky to enter the next level.  Also, I have run out of tea and there is storm coming.  What will I do?

But enough of this, on to the topic of the day.

So, being a gold player and all.  I deal with a lot of this...

And it drives me a little crazy.  When I play Starcraft, I want to try new builds and see if they work.  Go fast stargate or try some crazy new fast expand build verse zerg is what makes click the FIND PLAYER button.  Terran players who do this just prolong the pain and run away to the island expansion to tech straight to battle cruisers.  The sad part that I bet some players fall for it and try to finish them off and end up losing the game.  This added in with players who think they can win with mass cloaked banshees really make me loath scrubby terran players most of all.

I have been doing well lately, though my PvP still suffers.  It has gotten to the point where I will continue to hate the match up until I can deal with 4 gate without having to 4 gate myself.  I am researching now and hopefully I find a way to punish that build.

But the quest continues.  I am up and working hard.  The patch will be a huge for Protoss air and going double star gate on three base sounds awesome.  Also this Day 9 Daily is badass.  Well anything with the Mothership is kinda awesome.

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