Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Replays - Tea obtained

I like playing against zerg.  Not because it is easy, because its not.  I like it because feel like I have a firm grasp on what is going on.  Zerg is slightly easier to scout that terran or protoss.  Zerg also lacks those "Oh @%$&" moments, like banshees or dark templars.

I have been going forge first for a while now.  Its a nice opening and is super safe against the ever feared 6-pool.  I encountered a very amusing 6 pool a few days ago and felt the need to check out my opponents record.  He was like the sun when it came to his PvZ match ups.  Every game, 6-pool and a win.  It was sort of impressive in his commitment, or maybe he was just doing what works.

The second game is all my fault.  I really felt I was in the lead, killing my opponents hatchery early on and getting up a second base.  I botched an engagement, but I feel like I did something wrong before that.  I will have to look into it further.  Like most of the time I lose a game to zerg, hydras did me in.  With their insane damage output and range, I almost never engage until I get colossi.  I have never found an angle or way to engage hydras that makes me feel like I came out on top.

But since it is like this outside, I'm going to dive in for a few games.  Wish me luck.  

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