Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Week Three - Holy Crap videos!

Greeting citizens!

So I was impressed with my work for the first two weeks of The Quest for Diamond.  But no longer, for I have had an epic loosing streak.  I have been slapped, beat and crush by the masses of the internet.  My spirit broken, I have gone in search of teachings to recapture my former glory.  I seek to understand how to deal with stim and its jerk like ways.

Seriously, I've had a bad week.  So humiliated by my play, I refused to even post a replay.  And let us remember that I have no shame, but there is nothing to be learn from these replays.  Just really bad macro and poor choices.  Over thinking and not getting basic things that are just good.

But on to lighter subjects, I have a new hard drive.  With this hardrive, I can now record videos.  This is exciting for me.  If my writing is crazy and sometimes witty, my speech is the same but faster.  I have posted my first one below and should be uploading more shortly.

Huk v Dark

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