Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Week...of forget weeks. Just be happy I updated!

So my loosing streak continued...until I was bumped back down to silver.  This was depressing.  I was coming off a huge upswing in my games, pushed up to gold and getting better at the game.  But then all my old, bad habits came back to haunt me.  I over thought games, made poor decision, tried cute builds to catch people off guard.  
In a moment of rage, I almost quit Protoss.  I even played a few games as Terran.  First off, Terran is not for me.  I don't like their play style and worrying about where tanks are or constantly making building units and rallying them in.  I will say one thing though...

Terrans do crazy dps.  Like insanity amounts of dps.  It sort of amazing when you come from playing Protoss.  For those who don't play Protoss, most gateway units do not do a lot of damage.  The zealot puts out a lot of per-punch of his amazing laser fists, but he is so slow that rarely gets to take advantage of that.  The rest of the of them rely on their shields and large number of hit points to outlast their opponents.  This furthered my belief that stim is sort of messed up for how cheap it is.  

But I came make to the warm, laser filled embrace of Protoss and I'm winning again.  I have done VODs for two replays I did recently.  One game is just a solid PvP that I enjoyed and played well.  The other game is just funny.

But I back for more of the slow climb.

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